Latest Advances in Implant Dentistry.
The safe and easy way.
Dr. Khouly has served as Associate Director of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at the Bluestone Center for Clinical Research and as a Clinical Professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the New York University (NYU) College of Dentistry. He is also board-certified by the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry
Dr. Khouly has extensive experience conducting clinical research in the fields of dental implants including bone grafting procedures. He has contributed to 50+ articles that have been published in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals, given numerous invited talks, and has lectured at national and international meetings
Comfortable and Convenient
Dr. Khouly recently relocated to the Miami area after 11 successful years in academia and private practice in Manhattan, New York, and he is eager to apply his knowledge and expertise to improve the lives of those suffering from edentulism, periodontal, and peri-implant diseases

Awarded by the Top Foundations in Oral and Maxillofacial bone regeneration: Osteology Foundation and OsteoScience Foundation; as well as Consumers' Research Council of America as “America´s Top Dentists” and by the International Association of Dentists as ¨Top Dentist in Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry in New York¨

Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry
Dr. Ismael Khouly
Delivering Quality and Personalized Dental Care in a Comfortable and Convenient Locations, now in South Florida!